L’Institut d’Optique Graduate School propose des cursus de formation d’ingénieur aux sciences et technologies de la lumière permettant aux étudiants de construire leur parcours de formation et les menant tous au même diplôme.
L'Institut d'Optique Graduate School offers engineering courses specialised in the science of light that allow students to personalise their degree while obtaining a universal diploma.
First Year: all students attend classes at Paris-Saclay in first year.
Second Year: No matter which specialization they choose, students continue their studies in the second year at one of the Institute of Optics' campuses. Campus assignments are determined by the academic directorate based on students' academic projects and academic records. Students receive support in developing their academic projects from the moment they join the school throughout the first semester, as well as through individual consultations, information sessions, and group campus visits
Third Year: Students complete their studies at one of the Institute of Optics' campuses (except those who wish to pursue a double degree, either in France or abroad). Regardless of their previous assignment, they have the opportunity to change campuses for their third year, depending on their academic project.
Link to learn more about the campuses:
Pour en savoir plus sur les trois campus